Friday, October 5, 2012


Hello friends, my name is Margaret of Scotland and I was born a Saxon in 1046. I was raised in Hungary and I moved to England in 1066 when King Edward the Confessor died and my brother Edgar decided to claim the throne of England. I was welcomed into the court of King Malcolm the Second of Scotland, needless to say he was very hospitable to me because I became Queen of Scotland in 1070. I was a huge influence over Malcolm and the Scottish court through religious reforms, continental fashions, and increased economic ties with Scotland and the Continent . I devoted much of my time visiting and caring for the sick and I often held feasts. During the war between William the Conquerer and then later his son, my husband and my son went off to war. They went off to war, I became very ill, when they passed away I died 4 days later on November 16, 1093. But don't worry, you'll still hear from me. I was declared a Saint in 1250 for religious and charibility reason, my just rule, and my influence on my children and husband to be holy rulers. I was also declared the Patroness of Scotland. I hope you look forward to hearing what I have to say.   


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